Pilcrow Records

Scripter Javascript Tutorial


71 Get Values from Controls

To get the value of any control, use the global GetParameter() function, which returns the data type appropriate for the kind of control.

var PluginParameters = [];

PluginParameters.push({name:"Linear Slider 1", type:"lin", unit:"%", minValue:0, maxValue:100, numberOfSteps:100, defaultValue:50});

function HandleMIDI(event) {
	var value = GetParameter("Linear Slider 1");
***Creating a new MIDI engine with script***

Evaluating MIDI-processing script...
Script evaluated successfully!

In the above example, as the track plays and the parameter control changes, then the updated value is returned every time the HandleMIDI() or ProcessMIDI() functions are called.

GetParameter() has to be called from within HandleMIDI() or ProcessMIDI(), never in the global scope, or Scripter will throw the following error in the console upon clicking the Run Script button:

***Creating a new MIDI engine with script***

Evaluating MIDI-processing script..GetParameter() called with an argument: (Linear Slider 1) that does not equal any registered parameter name.
Script evaluated successfully!