Pilcrow Records

Scripter Javascript Tutorial


38 var vs let

In modern JavaScript, variables are typically declared with let. Using the previous example, all of the var declarations can be replaced with let and the example would run exactly the same:

function add() {
	let result = opr1 + opr2;
	return result;

let opr1 = 2;
let opr2 = 3;
let sum = add(); // sum = 5

The reason for var vs. let in modern JavaScript is because var does not have block scope. Variables declared with var are not visible outside of functions, but they are visible inside if-then blocks, switch blocks, etc. Declaring variables with let ensures they are not visible outside of their own scope. However, Scripter’s Javascript ignores this convention of modern JavaScript. Both var and let create block-scoped variables.

There are a couple more key differences between the two declarations that Scripter does not ignore. These are more a matter of style than anything, but they would be considered bad practice in most cases.

A variable declared with var can be redeclared multiple times in the same scope.

var pitch = 60;
var pitch = 72;
Trace(pitch); // 72

Scripter has no problem with pitch being re-declared in line 2.

let pitch = 60;
let pitch = 72;
Trace(pitch); // Cannot declare a let variable twice: 'pitch'.

Scripter highlights line 2 as an error and will not run the script.

A variable declared with var can be declared before its first use.

pitch = 60;
Trace(pitch); // 60
var pitch;

Scripter has no problem with the variable being declared in line 3.

pitch = 60;
Trace(pitch); // Cannot access uninitialized variable. line:1
let pitch;

Scripter will not run the script with let declaring the variable, but it does not highlight the line as an error; the error will only be revealed during runtime.

Any variable first declared without var or let is handled as being declared with var. Both of these examples work:

pitch = 60;
pitch = 72;
Trace(pitch); // 72
pitch = 60;
pitch = 72;
Trace(pitch); // 72

The variable pitch was never explicitly declared with var or let, but because the variable was successfully assigned a new value the variable is being handled as var.

pitch = 60;
let pitch = 72;
Trace(pitch); // Cannot access uninitialized variable. line:1

This example does not work because of the let declaration, which cannot be accessed after the variable’s initial use.