Pilcrow Records

Scripter Javascript Tutorial


27 Comparison Operators


Comparisons are used to test values and determine whether the comparison is true or false. These are primarily needed for branching (if) statements.

== equal to

60 == 60 // true
72 == 60 // false

!= not equal

60 != 60 // false
72 != 60 // true

> greater than

60 > 72 // false
72 > 60 // true

< less than

60 < 72 // true
72 < 60 // false

>= greater than or equal to

72 >= 60 // true
60 >= 60 // true
60 >= 72 // false

<= less than or equal to

72 <= 60 // false
60 <= 60 // true
60 <= 72 // true