Book and Code Updates and a Free Excerpt
musictechscriptercodebookThe book's Javascript Tutorial is now available free on the website. This contains everything needed to read and modify the examples which come with Scripter and in the book's code repo on GitHub. It is written with custom examples which apply Scripter's and music production use wherever possible:
- JavaScript Fundamentals
- Syntax and Grammar
- Working with Variables
- Data Types
- Operators
- Functions
- JavaScript Advanced
- Arrays
- Objects
- Conditional Branching
- Loops
- Working with Parameter Controls
- Code Quality
- Script Organization
- Commenting Best Practices
- Variable Naming Best Practices
- Using Functions to Organize Code
- Versioning
- Debugging
A lot of updates to the Scripter book's code repo have been made over the past year. Apple has made some updates to Logic Pro's behaviors which affected how some scripts behaved.
- Added Transpose to Range which optimizes multiple transposition plug-in slots to just one.
- Updated Tracking Playhed Across Process Blocks to be much simpler and better performant:
- Updated to better handle Logic Pro's new Process Block length, which was significantly reduced.
- The calculations needed to track whether an event should be triggered have been moved out of the
callback function to their own functions. This makesProcessMIDI()
code much easier to read which can get complex. Calculations are now easier to read and troubleshoot. - Fixed a bug which allowed all notes in random music generation pool to play all at the same time randomly at the beginning of cycles and measures. (Random cacophony isn't my thing, but if it were, there are better, more reliable, ways of making that happen.)
- Updated (most) scripts which rely on cursor tracking to leverage the improved calculations.
- Numerous small bug fixes and general code tidying to ensure readability and alignment with book changes.
Just fixed a lot of typos and LaTeX-HTML-EPUB shenanigans which messed with the layout and tables in various places.
Coming Soon!
- A streaming channel which will show demos of what Scripter is capable of doing, mainly focusing on generative music.
- New sections for the book are in the works:
- Using Track Smart Controls to work with Scripter Controls
- Creating custom maps between Control Surfaces and Instruments. Currently, Logic Pro only allows for global maps.
- Previous: What Scripter can, and cannot, do.