Pilcrow Records

Lots of Code Repo Updates


A lot of updates to the Scripter book's code repo have been made over the past year.

Example Scripts

These are the showcase scripts which really show off Scripter's power. Some of these scripts are recreations of existing functionality in MIDI Effects Plug-Ins, and because these are done in Scripter customizations can be made which goes beyond what the plug-ins are capable, like much shorter or much longer cycles and the ability to apply effects to other parameters in a track. Others are wholly original and mainly focus on generative music.

Scripter Tricks

These are typically quick one-offs which highlight an implementation of a common use case in Scripter.

Code Snippets

Design Patterns

Numerous refinements and bug fixes to the above. Detailed walkthroughs of what I consider to be interesting implementations of these scripts will be coming soon.