The Scripter Book Update
musictechscripterbookThe first draft of the Scripter book is complete. I have a ton of follow up items— figuring out what changed with Logic's recent v10.7 update; adding some art; fixing some mistakes I found while reading—but all of the content I want to include is now baked in. The book is divided into two parts:
- A complete JavaScript tutorial for Logic users who have never programmed before, which includes code examples which are specific to Logic users by focusing on music and Scripter's capabilities.
- A complete overview and technical deep dive into Scripter's capabilities, including edge cases and pitfalls. There will also be example scripts which expand upon the Logic-supplied scripts.
The book will have something for everyone, from musicians who are programming for the very first time to tech-savvy users who are looking to explore new musical territory.
I'm not settled on the exact order, but here is the current table of contents:
Part 1: Introduction to Scripter Programming
- Introduction to Scripter’s JavaScript
- What Can Scripter's JavaScript Do?
- What Can’t Scripter’s JavaScript Do?
- What This Tutorial Covers
- Where to go for help and ideas
- Scripter’s JavaScript Fundamentals
- Statements
- Syntax
- Variables
- Data Types
- Operators and Math
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Type Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Functions
- Scripter’s JavaScript Advanced
- Arrays
- Objects
- Conditional Branching
- Loops
- Debugging Errors
- Parameter Controls
- Code Quality
- Script Organization
- Comments
- Variable and Function Names
- Clear Syntax
- Using Functions
- Versioning
- Bringing It All Together: A Script Review
Part 2: Scripter's Technical Details
- Architecture
- Core Elements
- MIDI Event Flow
- Coding and Testing in the Scripter Editor
- The Run Script Button
- Code Editor
- Saving Scripts
- Interactive Console
- The Parameters Window
- Debugging in Scripter
- Scripter’s JavaScript
- Using Trace()
- Common Errors in the Console
- Handling Scripter’s Global Objects and Functions
- MIDI Event Processing
- The HandleMIDI() Function
- The TimingInfo Object
- Capturing Time Intervals
- About Parameter Controls
- Linear Slider
- Logarithmic Slider
- Pulldown Menu
- Radio Buttons
- Checkbox
- Text Control
I'm aiming to have the book released by the end of this year. Then work on the albums can begin in earnest.