Pilcrow Records

The Oct 15, 2021 Reddit Stream


Again, a funny thing happened on the way to the Reddit stream. Logic Pro crashed twice while working with the Arpeggiator MIDI Effect Plug In. I couldn't get a handle on what caused the crashed other than my scrolling across the arpeggiation. Other than that, album track arrangements have officially begun. 🎉 🎊

The stream link:

The Oct 15, 2021 Reddit Stream

This track, called "SynthPop Sugar" was one I had written little over a year ago in GarageBand. It stays within the well-worn path of I-IV-V-ii for C Major in Part A, G Mixolydian for Part B, and E Phrygian for Part C/D (the middle 8). All the white keys for maximum cheese. I did a terrible job documenting what I had written so some analysis was required to try and remember what I was after. That was a bit tedious. All of the synths are going to be the Repro from u-he. I got a lot done, but there is still a lot to do. I intend this to be to the opening track, so I want to add an intro, and I may tack on another track to the end because it shares the same arpeggio which comes at the end of this track. I'm aiming to be done with it by next week's stream, but no promises.

Until next time. Likely Thursday, 9p EST.